Friday, February 29, 2008

Great Chicken/Egg Debate: Which Came First? Migraines, Insomnia, or Depression??

Many times I’ve noticed people with migraines also having problems with depression and insomnia. It is the great chicken/egg dilemma: Which came first? The depression and insomnia or the migraines? Once you are at the point where you’re affected by all three of these, most don’t care which came first they just want relief!

I see guilt often come heavily into this stage as well. If only you were handling your migraines better you wouldn’t be depressed. If you didn’t have the depression, you wouldn’t have the insomnia. News for you…you’re not Superman/woman. . . you can’t control everything. The same thing that is causing your migraines is also a culprit in the depression and insomnia.

Serotonin, a brain chemical, is responsible for controlling moods, sleep, and more. Positive moods are associated with serotonin. If you’re feeling happy, upbeat, etc. those feelings can be attributed to serotonin. Researchers have long known migraine patients had low levels of serotonin. Low serotonin levels are biological (sometimes thought to be genetic), but not something you control or “caused.”

Depression can be situational, or caused by specific situations (i.e. loss of a job, loss of a loved one, etc.). Depression can also be chemical or biological. While migraine sufferers may find themselves in a depressed situation (having migraines impact the quality of life is certainly a depressing situation) the majority of migraine sufferers with depression suffer from depression caused at the body’s chemical level. The same low serotonin levels leading to migraines also lead to depression. Insomnia can be caused by the same low serotonin levels. So give yourself a break! You’re not the cause for the things going on with your body.

Finding out what was part of the cause was very empowering for me, because there are things you can do to naturally raise serotonin levels a little. They are the things that make you feel good (I’m not kidding)! Laughter! Laughter provides a wonderful surge of serotonin in the brain. Relaxation activities such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing all provide an increase in serotonin. Gentle exercise: taking a walk (even just 15 minutes a day) helps your serotonin levels. Having an orgasm is a big serotonin booster!

This article does an excellent job of explaining the migraine/depression/insomnia connection. At the end of the article, they offer some suggestions for vitamins and amino acids to help as well. If you are taking birth control, consult your doctor (or gyn) before taking St. John’s Wort because it can render many birth control pills less effective. Also, consult your doctor (and psychiatrist if applicable) BEFORE taking 5-HTP. If you are taking an anti-depressant, or any other drugs to help increase your serotonin levels adding 5-HTP can cause serotonin levels to become too high. The result could be a potentially lethal condition known as “serotonin storm.”

Feel free to pass this article on to others you know who suffer from migraines, and even take it with you on your next doctor’s visit to see if you can incorporate any of the natural remedies into your existing treatment plan.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Wishing you a peaceful, healthy day!

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