Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Technology Figures Out Migraine Food Triggers?

An interesting article in Reader's Digest (Jan. 2008 issue) announced the University of California, Berkeley has developed an at home test that will help identify which foods will cause nausea, light sensitivity, and pain (our favorite friends of the migraine). Apparently with this technology you'll be able to drop food in a "special device" and find out momentarily if the food is a pain causing culprit. Here is the complete article.

Now, I for one, would love if I could use a "special device" instead of a restrictive diet to figure out my food triggers for my migraines. Woo-hoo! To instantly know if I could drink red wine and eat chocolate (ok, I know I can't...chocolate is definitely one of my triggers, but maybe technology one day will reverse that and I'll be able to divulge in dessert heaven again *drool*). I have to admit I'm a little confused by this technology the article talks about, though. While peanuts may contain something that could potentially cause a migraine, that doesn't mean that everyone who is prone to migraines gets migraines from eating peanuts. Everyones triggers are different. This technology seems to just be "reading" the food, and not incorporating the individual user. Wouldn't technology only be useful to migraineurs if it not only tells you if the food can cause migraines, but also if that particular food is going to cause migraines for you?

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Anonymous said...

Seems like they are making this out to be a lot more exciting than it really is. Can't they spend time and money into better drugs?

sinus surgery Los Angeles said...

I absolutely agree with your point of view...it differs from person to person what foods affect the body positively or negatively.Like lemon grass for me soothes my headaches.